Monday, September 7, 2009

Crazy Maisie

I had thought about getting a kitten for a while, i guess mainly to keep me company and having had cats for 17 years of my life, i do miss not having one floating around the place. After some more thinking, and getting some thoughts from the parentals i decided that it probably wouldn't be a good idea if i got one. Although that doesn't mean my flat mate couldn't :) Totty was always under the assumption that it was a 'no pets' flat and i thought it would probably be that way too until i asked my landlord the other week. He was surprisingly OK with it and even suggested places we could go to get a kitten, shelters that is. So i told Totty and she loved the idea of getting a cat as she'd always wanted one and is happy with having it as hers. I agreed that i would help out with the cat to make sure she gets the best care and plenty of company and would occasionally chip in with buying food and de-fleaing stuff. I really don't want fleas in the flat and Frontline here cost like £5, very different to the costs in Australia.

So on Saturday we headed to the Edinburgh Cat & Dog Home to go and see the kittens. They only had 3 kittens there which suprrised me as in Australia you go to the shelter and they seem to have like dozens. Plus, it is breeding season here in Edinburgh i'm told. The three kittens they had were tri colour 9-10 week olds that were abandoned and found in a barn so they were quite shy. Totty fell in love with one straight away so i figured we wouldn't be looking else where and walking out with her on the spot. So Totty handed over her £35 and we took her home. We are going to get her neutered when she is 6 months old and microchipped at the same time. Again, this seems to be quite cheap here, neutering cost £25. I remember it cost our cats heaps..although that was aaages ago. We went to Asda on the way home and bought supplies, you cant delay the purchase of kitty litter! We locked her in the kitchen as directed and hung out with her and let her freak out until she settled. I had mentioned the cat name Maisie to Totty (my Dad's suggestion) and she loved it, so Maisie it is. She freaked out a bit and hid under the stove and climbed her way into this covered shelf, so we had to break off the cover of the shelf to get her out. We will have to fix it before the landlord visits!

Maisie is settling in quite well though, and has her 'maddies' at night time where she runs around and chases her own tail. She's great entertainment. I just wish she stayed small forever. Luckily I'm only working two hours a day this week so I'm home basically all the time to look after her and help her settle before Totty and i are both out during the day for work. We are going to buy her a scratching post and some more toys and a tunnel for her to try and keep her entertained. Plus, she'll get plenty of love at nights, so hopefully that's enough.

Asleep next to my leg...

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